Dana Pruner, Eagle River, Alaska 2018
White Raven Center and Rapid Transformation Therapy is the catalyst to deep profound healing… a safe harbor
where light is encouraged to shine upon the dark crevices and caverns in order to find those lost, brutalized, cast
away, precious parts of our souls so that we may become whole once again. It is truth realized. It is a return to
body. It is the reclamation of joy, playfulness, expression, trust, forward motion, inner strength, and self-love, and
inner peace.
A series of very painful events in 2017 threw me overboard into some dark waters. In a nutshell, all the triggers!!!
A heartbreaking re-emergence of past hurts I thought had long ago been laid to rest. Surprise, surprise! The fact
that I was STILL so activated by triggers unveiled the truth of deep-seated unrealized pain and past trauma. Left
unresolved, these wounds were holding me captive from truly feeling whole. Last November I began my journey
into deep healing with the practitioners at White Raven Center. This therapy has begun to transform darkness into
light….enabling a re-connection with my truest essence. As I begin to witness my own profound recovery and
reintegration and am in awe of just how disembodied I have been, for SO many years, from my own precious body
and heart. I now have the answer to “how can I EVER possibly find away to truly love myself?” My journey with
WRC so far has been a releasing, brutal, beautiful, profound, loving, empowering process. Not only have I
resurfaced, but I have begun to sprout wings. For anyone who is in pain…dealing with depression, anxiety,
stagnation, inadequacy, numbness of emotions, feeling like something is missing…lost…incomplete , unworthy of
love, my wish is to take you by the hand and deliver you into the healing at White Raven Center.