The Story of White Raven
Throughout the tribes of Alaska, from the Yup’ik people of Western Alaska to the Tlingit, Haida and Tsimshian of Southeast Alaska, there are stories that tell us how Raven, who in the beginning was white, turned black in the process of bringing light to humanity. Raven had so much compassion for humankind that he sacrificed a part of himself, forgetting who he really was and accepting the shadow of darkness. It is said that one day, after a long period of darkness, mankind will awaken and reconnect with spirituality. When this happens, Raven will turn white once again.
Awakening the Light Within
It is with the spirit of Raven, and the intent to increase healing opportunities for individuals, couples, whole families and entire communities, that White Raven Center came into being. We know that healing happens from the inside out, and that fulfillment comes only from inside ourselves.
Therefore, we know the path to healing is always first about cleansing and purification of our core being, and then about nurturing and developing our skills, gifts and talents to share with humanity. To fully achieve global peace, we must first restore peace, balance and harmony within each individual.
As we heal, we begin to construct a new belief system that serves us in becoming whole and healthy people…We gather ourselves from the past and future into the present moment and can once again feel the bliss of being and the power of creation.” –Dr. Marianne Rolland
White Raven Center is about creating opportunities to shift old patterns of victimization, hiding, projecting and blaming. Bringing these unresolved feelings into the light of conscious awareness is the only way to keep them from draining us of the vital energy we need to create what we truly want out of our lives.
While our focus and intent is to offer a process for emotional and spiritual healing to all who desire to truly heal, we have a deep commitment to helping the Alaska Native community heal. We draw on the rich and powerful heritage of this land and honor the Athabaskan people who have called this region of Southcentral Alaska their home for thousands of years.
Pioneering Rapid Transformation Therapy
The seeds of White Raven Center — and our core methodology, Rapid Transformation Therapy — were planted when Dr. Rolland and her husband, Floyd Guthrie, began seeking a cure for post-traumatic stress disorder.
I recognize that in order to truly support others I must consistently be engaged in my own healing process”
–Dr. Marianne Rolland, in an interview with Peaceful Living
Rapid Transformation Therapy evolved from the study of indigenous healing techniques from around the globe; deep awareness of the social, mental, emotional and physiological effects of trauma and addiction; and an understanding that when we do not allow ourselves full expression of the emotions connected to traumatic memories, those emotions are stored in our bodies where they continue to affect us until they are released.
You can read more about the genesis of Rapid Transformation Therapy, order Dr. Rolland’s book, see testimonials from our clients, and learn about our team.
Our Mission
As helpers at the White Raven Center, our commitment to others is to create a safe, loving, caring and nurturing environment that will support the discovery of the healing power that lies within. We honor the original teachings of our ancestors by providing loving and culturally appropriate healing opportunities to all who are willing to put forth the effort to heal.
Our mission is to create opportunities for deep-level healing where none exist, focusing on the treatment of traumatic life experiences, intergenerational trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). We acknowledge that healing happens from the inside out, and true fulfillment comes only from inside us. Each person has the capacity to transform and to realize full creative self-expression, inner peace and true freedom of heart, and the healing of one contributes to the healing of all.
The amazing thing about love energy is that it lives inside each one of us…By tapping into love energy, we not only heal ourselves and our relationships; we also contribute significantly to the healing of our world.”
–Dr. Marianne Rolland
We use a deep breathing technique to access the subconscious realms and help clients shift from a place of the “mind trap” to a place of heart where healing can occur on deep levels. Through the release of emotional blocks, stored core energy and the reframing of traumatic life events, we know that complete healing is possible.
You can read more about our core methodology, Rapid Transformation Therapy and our team. You can also read testimonials from our clients, read a short introduction to the Rapid Transformation Therapy methodology, or order Dr. Marianne Rolland’s book, “Rapid Transformation Therapy: A Guided Process for Healing Trauma and Awakening the Light Within.”