Private Sessions

Private sessions at White Raven Center typically last from an hour and a half to two hours, and can be conducted in person, or over the telephone, or through video conferencing. Each session is confidential and tailored to suit the goals and objectives of the client participant, built upon the core Rapid Transformation Therapy methodology that uses breathwork to activate — then clear — the repressed emotions related to trauma.

Clients tell us that their experiences during private sessions range from intense to calm; providers work with no assumptions or expectations as they follow the guidance of the client’s needs.

Participants who have experienced private sessions report some of the following:

  • Physical sense of well-being
  • Deeper connection to self-love
  • Heightened sense of clarity and mindfulness
  • Cleansing of toxicity from the body
  • The ability to draw breath more fully
  • A sense of expansiveness and fullness
  • Increased vividness in visual perception

If you feel called to participate in a RTT Private Session, please click the "GET STARTED" button below and answer a few questions.

Someone from our team will contact you in 3-5 business days. We look forward to hearing from you.
