by Dr. Marianne Rolland ” …emotions are messengers from the universe, speaking to our being and adding a rich dimension to our total human experience.” Emotions are energy forms, as are all [...]
All of us have experienced some form of abuse, oppression or trauma in our lifetimes. The majority of us did not enjoy the presence of role models who demonstrated for us how to release painful [...]
Reclaiming lost parts of our soul has traditionally been performed by indigenous shamans and, more recently, by shamanic practitioners. The process used to accomplish this amazing feat is similar [...]
We recommend that you read ‘In Consideration of Emotions’, as well as several Testimonials prior to reading this, so you will have a greater understanding of feelings and the Core Emotional [...]
What is addiction? In our experience it is one of those concepts that everyone seems to have their own definition for. Interestingly, each person’s definition tends to be tailored such that his [...]
Who is the caretaker? At first glance most people would probably identify the characteristics of a caretaker as positive. In fact, many caretakers find it hard to change their patterns of care [...]
The energy of love is the most powerful healing ingredient that exists throughout our universe. It is readily available, monetarily the least expensive, and distinctly the most reliable source [...]
Several months ago my 23-year-old daughter handed me “Being Peace” by Thich Nhat Hanh. I found the teachings presented by this Vietnamese author and Zen Master to resonate closely with my own [...]
We now know that survivors of any major catastrophic event are likely experiencing symptoms of PTSD. Alaska Native service providers recognize that a high rate of their clientele are suffering. [...]
I love children—not just my birth children, but all children of our Mother Earth. I know from a deep source of wisdom residing within my being that our children are our ancestors. They come to [...]